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Monday, October 4, 2010

Fellow Whovian: Charlie McDonnell

This is Charlie McDonnell, YouTube sensation in the UK, a member of the Trock (Time Lord Rock) band "Chameleon Circuit", and an avid Whovian. Of course, the latter is what mainly endears me to him and the British accent just makes the videos far more enjoyable to watch.
Yes, I think I've developed a celebrity crush. :P
The newly twenty year-old Brit has swept his way into the hearts of thousands of Europeans and a few awesome Texans who realize that both Doctor Who (and this kid) are sorely underappreciated in America. So go check out some of his stuff. I prefer the actual vlogs and his rants about Doctor Who (and his songs are amazing!), but you may enjoy some of the crazier stuff he does, like drink ketchup or color himself purple.

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